- I wish to play cricket for St. Albans Cricket Club for the 2024/25 season and I undertake to pay the appropriate subscription, listed below, on or before 30 November 2024. I am also aware that payment received after this date will require me to pay the following year's subscription in advance unless extraordinary circumstances exist and prior arrangements have been made with the Club Committee.
- I acknowledge that teams will be entered into the CMCA inter-club competition solely on the basis of registrations received by Opening Day. I am aware that should insufficient numbers be received for the grade(s) for which I am eligible and/or I am not selected for an alternative team, then I am entitled to a full refund of any subscription I have already paid.
- I acknowledge that my eligibility for selection to play is dependent on my financial status with the club, with priority firstly given to fully paid-up full-season members, followed by fully paid-up limited availability members. If all or part of my subscription remains outstanding after November 30, 2024 I am eligible for selection solely at the discretion of the club.
- I am also aware that should an unforeseen change occur in my circumstances before the Christmas break which precludes me from playing any more cricket for the season then I am entitled to a refund of half of my subscription.
- I agree to be bound by the constitution of the club and its by-laws and to uphold its standards, traditions and reputation as laid out in the players' charter.
- Adult member (male) - $350.00
(discounted to $300.00 if paid by October 31)
- Adult member (female) - $275.00
(discounted to $225.00 if paid by October 31)
- Adult member (afternoon grade) - $300.00
(discounted to $250.00 if paid by October 31)
- Adult member (Twenty20 grade) - $180.00
(discounted to $160.00 if paid by October 31)
- Full-time Tertiary student - $275.00
(discounted to $225.00 if paid by October 31)
- Secondary School student - $180.00
(discounted to $160.00 if paid by October 31)
- Junior Cricket (Year 7-8) - $120.00
- Junior Cricket (Year 5-6) - $100.00
- Junior Cricket (Year 1-4) - $60.00
- Social member (non-playing) - $75.00
Limited availability option
I am only available for less than half of the available playing days this season and wish to apply for a half-subscription. I agree to immediately pay the balance of a full subscription should I become available for, or play on more than half the playing days this season. I acknowledge that in the selection of teams for which I am eligible members who have paid a full subscription will receive preference.
Use of Personal Information and declaration
I authorise St Albans Cricket Club to retain and use the personal information I have submitted only for the purpose of club administration and to inform me of matters which the club feels may be of interest to me.
Subscriptions Officer
St Albans Cricket Club Inc.
PO Box 1919, Christchurch
New Zealand